Friday, September 13, 2019

BDSM & Sexuality

As you already read in the Blog, pure BDSM has noting to do with fucking a slave or getting sucked. BDSM is about hierarchies, domination, submission and has nothing to do with "pure" sex. Yes indeed if you tie someone up and fuck this person you are doing BDSM. But only because this person is at your mercy and submitted to you (to be fucked) in ropes or chains makes him/(her) not a true slave! 
The import question which you have to ask is:

What is the focus on practicing BDSM?

is it the sexuality in form of "pure" sex (with the intention of an orgasm)? Or is it BDSM: To dominate or being dominated and all the associated BDSM facets?
Of course BDSM correlates with sexual tension! But sexual tension is not sex! Yes my slave sucks my dick quite often but that does not mean that I let him suck my dick because I want to have an orgasm and so most of the time I do not orgasm when using my slave. I enjoy the sexual tense in form of dominating and get served. More than an orgasm. Don't get me wrong: Of course I use my slave also for my sexual relief and/or to reduce stress in form of an orgasm. But this is not the primary or secondary reason why I personally "practice" BDSM. I enjoy to dominate and use a slave for my desire, to train him and dicipline him. It feels right to me, I feel joy doing it and of course there is also a sexuel tension doing that!

But after I had my orgasm my slave has to proceed to serve me by continue with licking my feed or holding my glass or being my footstool. My orgasm does not change the situation: He is my slave and has to serve me. I am still his Master and I still give him orders. Yes of course I had my sexual relief but that does not stop me of enjoying to dominate my slave!

So you have to ask yourself: What is your intension behind your BDSM Action?
Are you practicing BDSM to have a great orgasm or are you practicing BDSM because you enjoy it and the orgasm is a nice "side effect".

If you have any question or comments about this post let me know in the comment below.

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Blogentry #074

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